Fearful Avoidant


4 Shocking Challenges About Your Attachment Style

and How It Is Holding You Back From The Strongest Relationships of Your Life...


4 Shocking Challenges About Your Attachment Style

and How It Is Holding You Back From The Strongest Relationships of Your Life...


Your Attachment Style Is Fearful Avoidant.

Scroll Below to Learn How You Can Break Your Patterns and Bring Love Back Into Your Life ...

Relationships Haven’t Always Been Easy For You. They can feel chaotic, confusing and overwhelming because you swing between being avoidant and anxious.

This can be incredibly painful for both you and your romantic partners – as depending on the relationship, your mental state can shift from: “I want you… come closer!” to “Slow down, not THAT close!”

If you’re dating someone more avoidant, you may become “needy,” insecure or anxious because you fear abandonment.

Or, on the other end of the spectrum, if you’re dating someone who is more anxiously attached, you might become more avoidant and even feel turned off when they get too close.

As a result, relationships can be very confusing, and overtime, can make you feel powerless to change the dynamic that you so very often find yourself in.

I feel you and understand how difficult this is for you. This is not your fault and you’re not broken.

I know this because I used to be a fearful avoidant…

Heal Your Attachment Style With The All-Access Pass

What’s included? All the tools you’ll ever need to create the relationship you deserve.

  • The Fearful Avoidant Reprogramming Course (usually $199)
  • 4 weekly webinars where you can get my personal feedback on your biggest challenges
  • Daily online events and support groups led by our trained coaches
  • 24/7 live chat functionality so you’re never alone
  • PLUS over 50 other courses on attachment styles, improving relationships and emotional mastery
  • Access to 100s of pre-recorded webinars with guidance on how to heal
  • Private members forum plus Facebook Group where you can ask questions and connect with members

Get everything for just $67/month. (That’s only $2.20 a day)

Cancel anytime. 7-day-money back guarantee. Risk free.

Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey


Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey


Here Are The Key Challenges You May Experience In Love And Life

You Fear Being Betrayed


You Fear Being Betrayed In Relationships

As a fearful avoidant, your superpower is your ability to read other people.

This skill – which is known as “depth of processing” – means you can be very empathic and in-tune with others.

But this also means that you might overanalyze your partner’s behavior, micro-expressions and body language – always scanning for signs of betrayal.

Given you’re always on the lookout, you can feel very uneasy (and even make accusations) when, for example, a love interest hasn’t responded to a text, causing you to wonder, “Do they still like me?”

This fear of being betrayed isn’t limited to romantic partners, you might also have trouble trusting your friends, family and colleagues, too.

For example, perhaps you never feel entirely safe in your friendships, causing you to secretly question whether they have your back… or even more painful… if they actually even like you.



Perfectionism And Overwhelming Feelings Of Guilt

You often feel like you need to be “more” to overcome your deep belief that you’re not enough.

As a result, love can feel very conditional, and cause you to set impossibly high standards for yourself because you believe you need to be perfect before you can be fully loved.

For example, you might believe that you need to be more confident, successful in your career and get up at 5am each morning to do 90-minutes of Ashtanga yoga before you’re ready for the right relationship… because then you’d be “perfect” and only then you’d be deserving of love.

You’re also prone to feeling excessive (and often unwarranted) guilt, which only reinforces your belief that something is wrong with you, and that you need to fix whatever “it” is before you can be fully loved.


You Flip Flop Back And Forth In Relationships

You can be very giving but you may also have a hard time with partners who are too needy or dependent.

This is because you often fear being trapped or confined, leading you to push people away at times.

Love can sometimes feel like an exhausting dance as you step towards connection, love and intimacy – only to then take a step back because you feel smothered and need to regain your space.

On one hand – you deeply fear abandonment, but on the other, you fear losing yourself and being “swallowed” in a relationship if the other person’s needs become more important than your own.

Even though you may deeply care for your partner, sometimes you have an underlying feeling of dissatisfaction and doubt – almost a lingering feeling that there’s something better you’re missing out on, or questioning your future together.

So you often feel confused or have mixed feelings about your relationship, because you shift from being vulnerable to being distant, or from being invested to experiencing sudden doubts.

This can be very confusing and frustrating, and cause you to feel shame, guilt and even depression.


You Fear Being Betrayed In Relationships

As a fearful avoidant, your superpower is your ability to read other people.

This skill – which is known as “depth of processing” – means you can be very empathic and in-tune with others.

But this also means that you might overanalyze your partner’s behavior, micro-expressions and body language – always scanning for signs of betrayal.

Given you’re always on the lookout, you can feel very uneasy (and even make accusations) when, for example, a love interest hasn’t responded to a text, causing you to wonder, “Do they still like me?”

This fear of being betrayed isn’t limited to romantic partners, you might also have trouble trusting your friends, family and colleagues, too.

For example, perhaps you never feel entirely safe in your friendships, causing you to secretly question whether they have your back… or even more painful… if they actually even like you.



You Often Feel Unseen Or Taken Advantage Of

You’re often very generous with your energy, time and support because of your empathetic nature.

But there’s also a subconscious reason why you give so freely…

Deep down, you feel like you need to earn love, connection and approval.

As a result, when you “over-give” – you can feel taken advantage of and that your needs, wants and opinions don’t really matter.

You may also struggle to set healthy boundaries, only to later feel angry because your boundaries have been violated as you’ve given too much… again.

This can lead to resentment and make you feel very unseen in your relationships, perpetuating common fearful avoidant beliefs such as “I’m unworthy,” “I’m unlovable,” and “I don’t matter.”

These beliefs can keep you in a state of high alert (otherwise known as hypervigilance) as you’re often on the lookout for someone to do you wrong (even those who love you).


Perfectionism And Overwhelming Feelings Of Guilt

You often feel like you need to be “more” to overcome your deep belief that you’re not enough.

As a result, love can feel very conditional, and cause you to set impossibly high standards for yourself because you believe you need to be perfect before you can be fully loved.

For example, you might believe that you need to be more confident, successful in your career and get up at 5am each morning to do 90-minutes of Ashtanga yoga before you’re ready for the right relationship… because then you’d be “perfect” and only then you’d be deserving of love.

You’re also prone to feeling excessive (and often unwarranted) guilt, which only reinforces your belief that something is wrong with you, and that you need to fix whatever “it” is before you can be fully loved.


But It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way…

How Did You
Become A
Fearful Avoidant?

You might be wondering, how did this all happen?

Well, typically a fearful avoidant personality arises through inconsistencies and trauma that occurred in childhood..

It’s possible that you came from a tumultuous household that may have been abusive in nature, either mentally, emotionally or physically.

You might have had a strong emotional connection between you and one caregiver, and a lot of emotional avoidance with another. You might have even felt very protective of one of your caregivers, or had quite an enmeshed relationship with them. Whereas your other caregiver was very hot and cold, and their love often felt very conditional.

As a result, you experienced a sense of inconsistency and polarity from a young age, which then subconsciously taught you to crave emotional connection, while instilling a sense of impending betrayal.

So the unpredictability you experienced as a child means that as an adult, you express polarized and mixed feelings while in relationships.

On one hand, you handle the vulnerability of others extremely well. But you may not be as eager to open up when it comes to your own fears or vulnerabilities.

Fearful Avoidant

You Are Not Broken And This is NOT Your Fault… But You Do Have The Chance To Change Your Attachment Style…


Gibson Integrated Attachment TheoryTM

For Fearful Avoidants

With the personal development school

Introducing a NEW and fully integrated way to reprogram your attachment style…

… and all of the painful thoughts, emotions and behaviors that have been getting in the way of you finding and maintaining a healthy, loving relationship that’s in authentic alignment with your mind and body – rather than your painful fears and on-edge nervous system.

My system differs from many others because it’s the first integrated approach that also deals with other emotional issues that arise from attachment trauma, such as codependency, having a lack of boundaries, people pleasing, self-sabotage and trust issues.

I’ll guide you step-by-step to reprogram your attachment style by teaching you highly-targeted and effective tools based on the latest research and my experience counselling couples and individuals for over a decade.

But more importantly, you’ll gain lifelong skills and an education in emotional mastery so you can build and maintain healthy relationships, communicate needs and boundaries, and process challenging emotions.

The End Result:

The ability to transform your ENTIRE life

and emotional state because you’re no longer controlled by limiting thought patterns and painful emotions. Having healed myself and thousands of others using these techniques, I know that they work… as long as you do.

Start Your Healing Journey Today With

The Fearful Avoidant

Reprogramming Course

Join the Personal Development School’s All-Access Pass and get instant access to the Fearful Avoidant Reprogramming Course.

This online course includes 4 hours of videos and highly-effective exercises to reprogram your attachment style.

By working directly with the subconscious mind – which is ESSENTIAL for any lasting change to occur – you can reprogram the root cause of your attachment trauma (and your challenging relationship dynamics).

In The Fearful Avoidant Reprogramming Course, You’ll Learn How To:

Repair your attachment style

Repair your attachment style so you can create and maintain healthy, lasting relationships that make you feel happy, connected, safe and calm


Reprogram the painful stories, core wounds and fears that are unique to your attachment style


Identify and express your needs and regulate your emotions in real-time (so no more losing days to brewing emotions or outbursts of resentment!)

Cultivate self-love and self-respect

Cultivate self-love and self-respect so you can have healthy boundaries with others and with yourself as you’re always taking yourself into consideration

Better communicate with your partner

Better communicate with your partner, friends, colleagues and family so you can finally get the connection that you crave (and replace all that anxiety with confidence and joy)

Create passionate and exciting relationships

Create passionate and exciting relationships without feeling like you’re on high alert all the time due to suspicion, insecurities and overwhelm

Deepen your self awareness and identify the kind of relationship that works best for you so you can navigate love with less doubt, exhaustion and anxiety

Heal Your Attachment Style With The All-Access Pass

What’s included? All the tools you’ll ever need to create the relationship you deserve.

  • The Fearful Avoidant Reprogramming Course (usually $199)
  • 4 weekly webinars where you can get my personal feedback on your biggest challenges
  • Daily online events and support groups led by our trained coaches
  • 24/7 live chat functionality so you’re never alone
  • PLUS over 50 other courses on attachment styles, improving relationships and emotional mastery
  • Access to 100s of pre-recorded webinars with guidance on how to heal
  • Private members forum plus Facebook Group where you can ask questions and connect with members

Get everything for just $67/month. (That’s only $2.20 a day)

Cancel anytime. 7-day-money back guarantee. Risk free.

Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey


Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey


PLUS, Join Today And Also Get Access To ALL Of These Amazing Resources….

Access To 45+ Online Courses

To Repair Your Attachment Style, Build Lasting Relationships And Gain Emotional Mastery

  • Get access to the Personal Development School’s ENTIRE library of 45+ online courses
  • Receive step-by-step guidance and support on how to reprogram your attachment style and relationship fears so you can feel a deep sense of security and ease in ALL of your relationships
  • Heal the other emotional issues associated with your attachment trauma, such as codependency, people pleasing, trust issues, negative thought patterns, self-sabotage, communicating your needs and boundaries, just to name a few
  • Learn practical, lifelong tools in each course that’ll guide you through your own personal healing journey and reprogram negative thought patterns and behaviors that may be sabotaging your relationships, career and life

Attend Weekly Live Webinars

Q&A Sessions And Community Events

  • Gain exclusive access to LIVE webinars each week where I’ll go through the course content and break down how to apply the tools and techniques
  • Plus, to give you the best support possible as you go through this process, you’ll also get access to LIVE Q&A sessions each week where I’ll personally answer your questions and help you with any relationship challenges you’re facing
  • You’ll also have access to all of our past webinar recordings in our Webinar Library so you can listen (or re-listen) whenever is convenient to you

And To Make Sure You’re Supported Every Step Of The Way, You’ll Also Get Access To:



Access To The Personal Development School’s Online Forum

Here you can connect with other like-minded people who are also working on improving their relationships and attachment styles. You can ask questions and even suggest different topics you’d like me to cover in my daily YouTube videos or in the webinars to further support your healing journey.



Join Study Groups, Socials And Live Chats With Other Members

Join study groups with other members as you work through different courses so you can celebrate your progress and be supported through any challenges. This social connection element of the membership will help you feel less alone in your healing journey as you get to connect with others who may be experiencing similar challenges. Plus, it will also give you hope that change is 100% possible.



Exclusive Invite To The Members-Only Facebook Group

Get further support by posting questions and updates on your progress, especially when you need support. My team and I monitor and respond to comments in this group to make sure you’re always supported. Plus, you’ll find that other members have always got your back and are on-hand to help you through any relationship challenges.

Hi, I’m Thais!

I’m a personal development expert, best-selling author and founder of The Personal Development School.

After completing my master’s degree and over 13 different certifications in a variety of disciplines such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hypnosis, Somatic Experiencing and more – I ran an extremely busy client-based practice for the better part of a decade.

Now I help clients across the globe transform their relationships and overcome lifelong emotional challenges through the Personal Development School.

Since co-creating the Personal Development School, and my years of research and client experience, I have become a leading authority on healing attachment trauma, and have built a thriving membership and online community, including over 10 million views on YouTube.


This is your personal invitation

to finally break free from your attachment trauma and create the love, safety and connection that you deeply crave – and 100% deserve.

Picture Yourself…

Repair your attachment style

Instead of feeling anxious or confused in your relationships, you feel calm, safe and at ease because you’re no longer being controlled by painful thoughts, fears and past experiences.

Repair your attachment style

Feeling less alone – because no matter what life throws at you, you know there is one person who finally loves you unconditionally and who always has your back (Hint: And that’s you)

Repair your attachment style

No longer losing days, weeks or even years analyzing failed or challenging relationships because you have the tools and confidence to create meaningful and joyful connections that inspire you

Heal Your Attachment Style With The All-Access Pass

What’s included? All the tools you’ll ever need to create the relationship you deserve.

  • The Fearful Avoidant Reprogramming Course (usually $199)
  • 4 weekly webinars where you can get my personal feedback on your biggest challenges
  • Daily online events and support groups led by our trained coaches
  • 24/7 live chat functionality so you’re never alone
  • PLUS over 50 other courses on attachment styles, improving relationships and emotional mastery
  • Access to 100s of pre-recorded webinars with guidance on how to heal
  • Private members forum plus Facebook Group where you can ask questions and connect with members

Get everything for just $67/month. (That’s only $2.20 a day)

Cancel anytime. 7-day-money back guarantee. Risk free.

Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey


Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey


Questions You Might Have

Before Becoming A Member Of The Personal Development School

The monthly membership offers an integrated approach to healing your attachment style, your emotions and your relationships by targeting your subconscious mind.

Included with the monthly membership are courses on reprogramming each of the 4 attachment styles – but as you’ll discover, attachment trauma often causes other issues – such as codependency or people pleasing – to name a few – which require their own courses. So to equip you with the tools you need to best heal your attachment style, the membership gives you access to 45+ courses – giving you access to a “university” of emotional support.

Plus, included with the membership is access to weekly LIVE webinars and Q&A calls. As attachment trauma was formed as a result of the relationships in your early years – it can best be healed in relationship with others. So through our webinars, online community (forum), group chats and Facebook group – you’ll be supported by me and other members and receive a more integrated approach to healing.

We have found that out of the thousands of students who have become more securely attached, they have done so as a result of this integrated approach rather than taking single courses on their own.

This is deep, life-changing work, and I want to provide you with the best support possible.

Absolutely. If you feel that the Personal Development School is not for you, you can cancel your membership at any time – no questions asked.

We have a very high success rate of students becoming more securely attached and fulfilled in all areas after becoming members of the school, and I’m confident that if you become a member – you will too. But if for whatever reason it no longer feels like the right fit or time for you, you can cancel.

Yes, to help you make the best decision for you, we offer a no-questions asked 7-day money back guarantee – meaning there is absolutely no risk if you become a member today, and then later decide that the school is not for you.

The short answer is: I want to help as many people as I possibly can!

I’m incredibly passionate about sharing what’s become my life’s work and this integrated approach to healing attachment trauma because I know it works – as long as you do. I have developed a system and tools that are highly effective – and I want to make them as accessible as possible.

It’s important you feel confident in your decision to work with me.

I have added some testimonials on this page, but I urge you to do your own research by checking out the Personal Development School’s YouTube Channel to see thousands of user-generated reviews on the hundreds of videos I create to see if my style resonates with you.

No, and I never would. This is deep work that involves the subconscious mind and everyone’s process and journey is different. However, if you put in the course work, attend the webinars and keep showing up for yourself, I’m confident you’ll become more secure in your relationships – and in all areas of your life.

Heal Your Attachment Style With The All-Access Pass

What’s included? All the tools you’ll ever need to create the relationship you deserve.

  • The Fearful Avoidant Reprogramming Course (usually $199)
  • 4 weekly webinars where you can get my personal feedback on your biggest challenges
  • Daily online events and support groups led by our trained coaches
  • 24/7 live chat functionality so you’re never alone
  • PLUS over 50 other courses on attachment styles, improving relationships and emotional mastery
  • Access to 100s of pre-recorded webinars with guidance on how to heal
  • Private members forum plus Facebook Group where you can ask questions and connect with members

Get everything for just $67/month. (That’s only $2.20 a day)

Cancel anytime. 7-day-money back guarantee. Risk free.

Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey


Healthy Habits for Life Mastery


Healing Family Trauma & Challenging Family Dynamics


The Handbook for a Better Life


How to Repair Any Relationship


Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style


Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey
